Consider a scenario where you receive the following error when you browse to a SharePoint web app
The website declined to show this webpage
HTTP 403
Most likely causes:
This website requires you to log in.
HTTP 403
Most likely causes:
This website requires you to log in.
This issue is intermittent. Strangely, if we create a copy of the web.config file, rename the web.config file, refresh the home page, we receive an "HTTP 404 - Page Not Found" error. Rename the web.config file back and refresh the page. The site is browse able for a while before failing after some time
We see the following error in Failed Request Tracing
A procmon trace captured while accessing the web app from the server showed the following:
w3wp.exe 4180 CreateFile C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\Web80.Contoso.com80\binACCESS DENIED Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Directory,
Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, Impersonating:NT AUTHORITY\IUSR
This issue usually occurs when a request from an authenticated user without local admin rights results in a failed read of the /BIN directory by the impersonating w3wp.exe (IIS worker process for ASP.NET) process. This behavior is typically associated with lack of permissions to the temporary folder /BIN where ASP.Net assemblies are Just In Time (JIT) compiled.
The solution is to ensure that the Authenticated Users or <SERVER NAME>\Users group (which usually contains DOMAIN\Users group) has Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and Read permissions on the/BIN folder below C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\{Sitename80}.
Follow the steps listed below to grant the required permissions:
- Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the /bin directory of your web application
- Right-click on the folder and click on Properties
- Go to Security tab and click on Edit
- Click on Add and add the local server group Authenticated Users or <SERVER NAME>\Users (this usually contains DOMAIN\Users group).
- Select the Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and Read permissions (if you are planning to add Everyone to the /bin folder, grant Read permissions only)
- Click OK to apply the new settings
Refresh the page and we should be able to browse to the site.
There are instances where this permission needs to be re-applied as part of every deployment and we may often find that the permissions have reset after touching the Authentication Providers settings in Central Admin.
More Information
If an administrator accesses the site/feature that caused the error, the subsequent requests from non-administrators would succeed. This behavior is typically associated with lack of permissions to the temporary folder where ASP.Net assemblies are Just In Time compiled.
The freb trace shows a 403.0 for ManagedPipelineHandler
It seems to go through quite a few ASPNet events - but happens during the ASPNetPageRender - it goes to the ASPNetPageRender Enter, then ASPNetHTTPHandler Leave.Only then does it get a 403.0 which is not an official RFC error. The first sub-status for 403 is 403.0.
Application pool in Classic or Integrated mode
- Application Pool in Classic Mode – In this case, we can configure a Wildcard mapping for ASPNET_ISAPI.dll at the website level. That would propagate to child virtual directories. That should not need any further modifications at the virtual directory level.
- Application Pool in Integrated Mode – In this case, all relevant virtual directories would need individual modifications. They need to be set for specific handler. E.g. ‘book’ virtual directory needs mapping for BookAPI and ‘movie’ directory would need mapping for MovieAPI.
I tried above but it dint work for me